Automatically inject service to Behat Context as constructor argumentΒΆ

You can enable the Behat service autowiring feature to get the services automatically injected to Contexts. E.g.:


Feature: Magento and Behat DI connected
  As a developer
  In order to write Behat tests easily
  I should be able to inject services from the Magento DI into Behat Contexts

  Scenario: Injecting service from Magento DI to Behat Context as argument for Behat Context constructor
    Given A service has been successfully injected through the Context constructor
    When I work with Behat
    Then I am happy



use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Exception;
use Magento\Catalog\Api\ProductRepositoryInterface;

class FeatureContext implements Context
    /** @var ProductRepositoryInterface */
    private $productRepository;

    public function __construct(ProductRepositoryInterface $productRepository)
        $this->productRepository = $productRepository;

     * @Given A service has been successfully injected through the Context constructor
    public function theProductRepositorySuccessfullyInjectedAsConstructorArgument()
        if (!$this->productRepository instanceof ProductRepositoryInterface) {
            throw new Exception('Something went wrong :(');

     * @When I work with Behat
    public function iWorkWithBehat()
        // no-op

     * @Then I am happy
    public function iAmHappy()
        // no-op :)


      autowire: true

        - YourContext

      services: '@bex.magento2_extension.service_container'